opsira services
opsira, the optics design expert has been operating successfully in the market for over 20 years. Starting as engineering service provider, opsira established as full-service provider including the design of optical systems, the development of customized optical measurement systems as well as high-tech products in the fields of photometry, spectrometry and goniometry. opsira’s in-house lightlabs measure optical characteristics of products and components to ensure high quality of luminaires and light sources.

Please contact General Manager
Volker Schumacher:
Phone +49 751 561890
What is optics design?
Optics design means defined control or distribution of light and radiation. Suitable optical elements are used to bundle, mix or even distribute the light or radiation. In addition to geometric optics, great importance is also attached to spectral or color properties. Thus, the optical design serves to increase efficiency and ultimately ensures that exactly as much light as intended, desired, or required arrives at a specific point.
Why is opsira the right partner for professional optics design?
For over 20 years, opsira has been the partner for optical solutions from a single source: from concept development to the development of the optics, simulations, prototypes and small series production. The development steps are supported by the extensive measurement facilities in the opsira light measurement laboratories in order to deliver precise and realistic results.
For which industries does opsira design optics?
opsira design is based on the individual customer and market requirements. Many customers come from the general lighting, automotive, medical or signal lighting sectors. The lighting sector cannot be reduced to a single industry, as optical design becomes relevant in all industries as soon as light is concerned. opsira is flexible and experienced enough to meet individual requirements, from design to prototype or even series production.