Near field and Scattered light goniometer

The goniometers of opsira GmbH record angle-dependent photometric parameters around a light source, a luminaire, a detector or a material sample. The robust Goniospectroradiometer construction as well as the direct drive concept introduced and consistently implemented by opsira GmbH guarantee a very high precision of the goniometer systems. Photometers and radiometers, the luca luminance measuring systems, the spectral measuring systems spec'3 and spr'3 as well as high-quality photomultipliers are available as Goniospektrometer detectors.

opsira's ultimate goniophotometer and goniospectrophotometer solution is called robogonio. The highlight: a goniophotometer on a freely configurable, fully flexible KUKA robot arm.Through their innovative design the Goniospectrometer can be adapted to your situational and specific requirements.



The state-of-the-art and multifunctional measurement system

With the gonio'2pi Gonioradiometer you can professionally and precisely measure light source and luminaire properties (near-field photogoniometer) as well as scattering behaviour (BSDF measurements) of materials and surfaces with very high measurement dynamics. The goniometer is available in a near-field configuration (si), a scattered light configuration (bsdf) and in a complete version for both applications. A later Gonioradiometer upgrade from si to bsdf or vice versa is easily possible. The spectrum of the unique gonio'2pi thus ranges from the smallest light sources to large luminaire systems as well as the Gonioradiospectrometer analysis of material properties.

Gonioradiospectrometer Specifications

 si Versionbsdf Verion
Dimensions (max. gonio arm positions)L 1500 mm x W 875 mm x H 2070 mm*1 
Total base dimensionsL 2215 mm x W 875 mm (approx. 2 m²)*1 
Dimensions of switchboardL 600 mm x W 550 mm x H 1300 mm 
Weightapprox. 350 kg (gonio)*1
approx. 100 kg (switchboard)
Distance between sample and detectortypical 700 mm (adjustable)
typical 850 mm (adjustable) XL version
Angular resolution10-4 degrees internal, 10-2 degrees external*2 
Detectorsluca luminance measurement camera system (monochromatic and color version) 
Dynamics12 Bit / 18 Bit*3approx. 11 decades*4
Further detectors
  • spec'3 – spectrometer
  • spr'3 – spectroradiometer
  • frc'3 – radiometer / photometer
Spectral weightinghigh-quality V(λ)-adjustment of the measuring camera RGB or any polychromatic ray data files are also available 
Light source


  • White light source
  • Diode laser
Spatial deviation≤0.03 mm 

*1 XXL version has larger dimensions.
*2 Axes 1 to 3.
*3 14, 16 or 18 Bit in HighDyn mode by multiple exposure.
*4 3.5 mit PMT and approx. 8 with ND-filter wheel.

Changes are possible depending on the system configuration. Variations to the technical data may occur due to the permanent improvement and development of our measurement systems.



-fGoniophotometer (far field)
-siLight source measurement camera (near field)
-sicLight source measurement camera (polychromatic)
-bsdfScattered light configuration

Extended version for the measurement of large luminaires*3 Example: gonio'2pi-sic-spr



Measurement of light sources
Measuremet of luminaires
Measurement of scatter light distributions
Measurement of opto detectors

Please contact
General Manager
Jürgen P. Weißhaar:
Phone +49 751 561890