light + building 2016 Frankfurt/Germany - opsira booth K60 in hall 4.1

Luminaire measurement according to the latest standard DIN EN 13032-4

Visit the experts for optical measurements at the  Light & Building in Frankfurt/Germany from 13 - 18 March 2016 at booth K60 in hall 4.1 and get to know the light measurement systems of opsira.

<link _blank>robogonio</link> - perfect for luminaire measurements according to the new standard DIN EN 13032-4



Watch the robogonio moving:



<link _blank></link>

The goniometer robogonio provides much more flexible measurement solutions than other goniophotometers and full scope. The industrial KUKA robot used in the robogonio opens up totally new possibilities for manufacturers of the general lighting, the automotive and the signal lighting industries. The robogonio is the perfect tool for luminaire measurements according to the new standard
DIN EN 13032-4.

We will be glad to show you the <link _blank>goniophotometer robogonio</link> at our booth during the trade show.

We are looking forward to welcome you at the Light and Building at our booth no. K60 in hall 4.1.

Please fix an <link _blank>appointment at the trade show light + building</link> with us.


<link de/kontakt/ansprechpartner.html></link>


Do you have questions? Please contact
General Manager Juergen P. Weisshaar:
Phone +49 751 561 890