Visit the experts for optical measurements at the Light + Building in Frankfurt at Stand K60 in Hall 4.1 and get to know the latest light measurement systems of opsira.
The opsira goniophotometer robogonio allows the most state-of-the-art light measurement technique in your laboratories. The optical measurement robot robogonio with it's outstanding price-performance ratio should not be missed in any lab. robogonio's measuring of LED luminaires or light sources delivers exact measuring data for your optical development.
We will be glad to show you the goniophotometer robogonio at our booth during the trade show.
You are also invited to see the opsira integrating sphere series uku which enables the fast and easy setup for measurements of the radiant power and the luminous flux in your lightlab.
We are looking forward to welcome you at our booth no. K60 in hall 4.1.
Please fix an <link _blank external-link-new-window>appointment at the trade show light + building</link> with us.